Monday, July 9, 2007

Michaels House

It’s good and solid,
built of fresh scented wood with tough brick—
all multicolored—warm to the touch like a glass of mulled wine.
He cries: “Michael’s house!” every time we enter.
But it’s nobody’s house.
No one lives there.
They come and go, a way-station for the severed.

I think of the hospital, cool and bright,
forced smiles, nurses waving bye-bye,
off to half-way houses, group homes.
Michael doesn’t want to live there.
His eyes beg me: “Let me heal!”

The doctor says no.

Do you feel the shivery wind
blowing through the empty house
like the silent breath of the bleeding Lord?

Written by Cruel Virgin


Bardouble29 said...

This makes me want to find home...

Lola Starr said...

This reminds me of places I've been.

Enemy of the Republic said...

This was written during a very dark time...

the blogger formerly known as yinyang said...

Wow. Imagery. Good.

eric1313 said...

I love this poem.

The feelings of hope and dispair intermingling, of recovery and of slipping away.

eric1313 said...

The last stanza says it all.

The Lone Beader® said...

Beautifully written:)

Chalice said...

This made me cry.. Maybe its because my Michael is so sick all of the time.. The mention of hospital and people waving just got to me..

Sandy said...

You have got a good imagination madam. any tips for novice like me.
And thanks for giving me this link.

I will certainly add this in my blogroll


Mayden' s Voyage said...

A deep soul is like a finely woven net- cast out into the world...and it catches us. We are each astonished by the mesh that holds our hearts, if only for a moment.
Surprised by what we understand in her embrace...the pain we recognize, the ache we feel within- through anothers words.
Each of us caught up the the deep soul of one called "Enemy of the Republic"- a beloved friend indeed.

Anonymous said...

i have no words ...

Enemy of the Republic said...

Thanks again.

Enemy of the Republic said...

Sandy, I don't know how to tell people how to write poetry. It channels through me and I go with it.