Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Lonely Eyes

Gazing across,
his eyes downcast.
His shoulders slump.
He glances up,
I see the pain.
There sarrow abides.
His eyes of blue,
speak volumes he cannot.
A brief moment,
it tears at my heart.

Barbara Osborn 2/20/07


Baron Ectar said...

Barb -

I have read all of these and I have bookmarked the site - wow - how these spoke volumes to me and where I am in my life right now.

I cannot tell you how it helps knowing that you arent the only one going through the emotions that you write of.

Thanks for doing this.

Bardouble29 said...

Baron - It touches me that something I can write helps another person. There have been things you wrote that touched me. It is amazing what we can learn from the people in our lives. Thank you for being in mine!

captain corky said...

Amazing poems. Thanks for sharing them with us.